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正In this age of extreme body alteration,the history of bound-feet women serves as an invaluable warning When Wei Caibao was 10, she was forced to undergo terrible pain and mutilation as she entered the three-year period  相似文献   
目的探讨高频超声检查在周围神经损伤鉴定中应用的价值。方法收集38例锐器伤、钝挫伤、骨折及撞击造成的单侧肢体外伤病例,应用东芝Aplio 500型彩色多普勒超声诊断仪进行高频超声检查,将其特征性表现与30例正常周围神经的高频超声图表现进行对比分析。结果经高频超声检查,确诊38例周围神经损伤中发生于颈部5例、下肢5例,上肢27例(肘部以上3例、以下24例)。损伤类型包括卡压性损伤8例、创伤性神经瘤28例、神经完全断裂2例。特征性表现为:卡压性损伤神经受压处变细,近端神经节段性增粗;创伤性神经瘤与神经干相连的梭形增粗段,增粗段神经外膜的线性强回声中断,内部回声紊乱;神经完全断裂表现为神经外膜强回声线与神经纤维低回声束完全中断,断端两侧均呈梭形瘤样改变。结论高频超声能够明确周围神经损伤类型及发生节段,可为法医学人体损伤程度鉴定提供有价值的参考依据。  相似文献   
数字图书馆作为一种信息环境,其基本属性仍是收藏属性,基本职能仍是文献收藏。在大数据环境下,尤其需要重视对数字信息资源的整理与收藏,在这个过程中需要政府的强力支持,数字资源呈缴制度的建立与法律保障,数字图书馆联盟的组织,国家图书馆的核心领导,信息生产商、出版商、网络用户、技术商的合作,图书馆、档案馆、个人用户的协调,以发挥数字图书馆在大数据环境下保存和传承人类文化的基本职能。  相似文献   
大枣在《神农本草经》属上品,味甘平。可安中,养脾,助十二经,平胃气,通九窍,和百药。近年来,对大枣的研究范围广泛,成果卓著。本文就近10年大枣的品种资源、化学成分、药理作用的主要研究进展进行综述,并收集总结了近年来以大枣为主要原料的药品、保健品、食品的研究开发情况等,为相关研究提供近一步参考。  相似文献   
2014年是老挝"七·五"计划第4年,政局继续保持稳定;经济增长7.6%;外交多元务实,获外国官方援助增多。展望2015年,随着老挝加入东盟经济共同体,经济社会转型步伐将有所加快。  相似文献   
This methodological note is to introduce new social network analysis (SNA) data sets that can be used to visualize and analyze the global linkages of the World Uyghur Congress (WUC). The results show that first of all, the WUC and Rebiya Kadeer play central roles in mobilizing political activity around the globe. Second, human rights NGOs and other organizations from the Uyghur diaspora pervade the networks of the WUC, and are spearheading the coordination of events and the exchange of information. Third, the WUC is keen on connecting with government representatives and journalists. Fourth, a growing number of links exist between the WUC and news organizations. Such links are most obvious among news organizations situated within the same country, when a Uyghur-related event occurs. A quintessential example is observed in the SNA map, where Japanese press and media showed interest in reporting Uyghur news when WUC Secretary General Dolkun Isa visited Japan to promote the Uyghur issue in 2006. A case study of Uyghur linkages in Australia further demonstrates WUC influence over Uyghur activism in various corners of the world. The purpose of this paper is not only to provide the first visualization and empirical test in regard to WUC networks that China’s government and various China observers have believed to exist. With this document, I also demonstrate how a network approach can provide alternate ways for researchers to conduct their respective studies on diasporic networks of Tibetans, Taiwanese, or Chinese.  相似文献   
我国刑事起诉制度一直采用“公诉为主,自诉为辅”的模式,这种模式一直被学界和司法部门所肯定,尤其是自诉制度存在积极价值。然而随着社会的发展,两种起诉方式并存模式的合理性,学界司法部门应该进行深刻的反思和检讨。通过分析自诉制度的弊端,笔者认为应当废除自诉制度,将自诉制度的优点纳入到公诉程序之中,实行公诉垄断主义的追诉模式,从而更加有力的打击和惩罚犯罪。  相似文献   
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